Tyler's Story.
In the Driver’s
July 8th, 2021

Routine is important to Tyler. He likes things to be predictable, scheduled, and right on time; not a minute later then he expects!
An important part of Tyler’s routine is riding his bike. It provides valuable exercise, and the fresh air during outdoor rides is an added bonus. While these physical advantages are important, the sense of independence that biking gives him is even more valuable. This kind of autonomy is hard to find in most other times of his day.
Riding a bike is an important milestone for many of us, but it is more than that for Tyler, his mom Dana explains. “When Tyler rides his bike, he doesn’t have to hold anyone’s hand, nor does he have to follow anyone else’s direction.” On a bike, Tyler is literally in the driver’s seat and it is the one time there is no one in his face.
Tyler began attending St. Amant School when he was nine years old.
While he was slow to warm up, he did settle in and found his groove.
As an active student, he enjoyed all kinds of physical activity but, whenever given a choice, he always chose a bike. St. Amant School Principal Joyce Douglas recalls how important bike riding was for Tyler and how much he benefitted from a regular reprieve from the busyness of the classroom
and how much he enjoyed looking behind him at the people he
passed on his rides.
Now that he has finished school and is transitioning to a new day program, his regular bike access has been disrupted. This has been very difficult, for Tyler and his family. “Tyler doesn’t like new things and change is hard.” said Dana. The loss of the use of a borrowed bike was a tough one
for him and his care team.
Now, thanks to your donation, Tyler will be receiving his own bike so he can resume this important piece of his routine. It will help ease his transition and, once again provide him with that invaluable slice of independence he values so much.
Thank you for putting him back in the drivers’ seat!